...Fulfilling Career Aspirations
How to Complete the Online Application
TICLIMITED online application is easy, quick and simple. With a few short steps and providing basic information, you can begin the journey to your new future. As a TICLimited applicant, you will be connected with a personal Admissions Adviser, who will be there to guide you through every step of the application process. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the application process, your personal Admissions Adviser will be delighted to help.
In the TICLimited Admissions Application, you will be asked to provide:
Basic information name, address, date of birth.
Education history information high school or Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) name, location, and completion dates.
English proficiency–completion and score, when relevant.
Your future is waiting, and with our simple application, it won’t be too long.
Start your application now!